Peak Bacil is a biological product based on selected strain of naturally occurring antagonistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis is a bio control agent which acts against the pathogenic fungi and it suppresses the diseases. Bacil’s bacteria colonize maximum space of the root system and absorb nutrients available at the target site. Thus, Bacil control the pathogens by starving them for food and space. Bacil secrets certain secondary metabolites which have an antagonistic fungal effect
It has dual function: 1. Fungus control 2. Plant growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria. The Peak Bacil contains 1x109 cfu/ml.
Vegetables, fruits, spices, flowers, medicinal crops, cereals, millets, pulses, oil seeds, fiber crops, orchids, ornamental plants, sugarcanes
Control early blight, root rot, root wilt, seedling rot, late blight, stem rot and mildew.
Not compatible with chemical pesticides. Use once it opened.
For long storage, store in cool & dry place at temperature below 10-150C. For better result Bacil should be used within six months from the mfg. date.
Soil application: Mix 200 ml Bacil in 200 liters of water and spray onto the soil at the time of sowing/planting.
Prepare 1% solution of Bacil and coat the seed with this solution. Dry the seeds under shade and sow.
Effect on Environment: This product is based on naturally occurring microorganisms and ubiquitous in nature. This product is safe for humans and environment.
1. Do not eat/drink. 2. Keep out of reach from children. 3. Clean hand with soap after use.
24 months from the date of mfg.
B.T. King is broad spectrum bio-insecticides for the control of Helicoverpa, Sadopetra and other caterpillar insect pest. This is a formulation of the entomocide bacteria Bacillus thuringensis. It produces some strong insecticidal toxins, which has mutagenic activity. B.T.King is effective against leaf eating insects including looper, harm worms, ear worms, caterpillar, all types of bunch caterpillars and most of leaf feeding moth and larvae at its different stages. It enters in to digestive system of insect and it produces active toxins which causes swelling of cells and finally burst. The insect (larvae) becomes rapidly dehydrated and dies within 48 hours.
200 ml in 200 litres water and dose in 1 litre per Ha
Safe to human beings, pets, fish, birds, honeybees, beneficial insects etc. no risk of secondary insect pests.
Dosage varies with the development of infestation.
12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Peak Lila is a bio-nematicide useful for the management of Root Knot nematode, reniform nematode, Citrus nematode. This is the formulation of Paecilomyces lilacinus. Paecilomyces lilacinus is a bio control agent which when applied controls nematodes that attack plant roots. Peak Lila has a great potential for application as a biological agent in sub-tropical and tropical agriculture soil. Peak Lila infects and assimilates eggs of root knot and cyst nematodes.
This product is recommended for Tea, Coffee, Paddy, Barley, Sorghum, Cotton, Tobacco, Oats, Ginger, Turmeric, Vegetables, Fruits, Flower plants and potato.
Soil Drenching: Drench collar soil with 200 ml in 200 liters water or mix with manure in pits
Peak Lila is not compatible with chemical fertilizer, fungicide or insecticides.
12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Pseudomonas fluorescens is a bacterium that is used as a pesticide for controlling & destroying plant diseases caused due to fungus, virus & bacteria & several other pathogens. Pseudomonas fluorescens have been found to be very effective in controlling many primary root & secondary diseases of tea and other crops.
We offer Pseudomonas Fluorescens under the brand name Peak MONA. Peak MONA induces shoot proliferation and flowering. It is highly effective in stress developed plants / crops. It enhances plant resistance against bacterial and fungal diseases & ensures healthy growth and higher yield. Peak MONA is very effective against late blight of potato as seed treatment. The bacteria also liberate AUXIN – a natural hormone for overall growth of plants.
Tea, Coffee, Paddy, Wheat, Barley, Sorghum, Cotton, Tobacco, Oats, Ginger, Turmeric, Vegetables, Fruits, Flower plants and Potato
Root rots, Rhizome rots, Chilli leaf curl, Blight of potatoes, Onion smut, Paddy blast, Bacterial wilt and Die-back of Chilli, Tomato and Brinjal etc.
Foliar Spray: Mix 200 ml Peak MONA into 200 litres of water or rice gunji and in one acre on leaves, stems, flowers & fruits.
Rhizome/ Seed treatment: Add 250 ml Peak MONA in 50 litres of water. Stir well and dip the rhizome/ set for 10 minutes before planting.
Soil application: Mix 250 ml Peak MONA in 50 litres of water and apply in the field.
It is advisable not to mix Peak MONA with any synthetic chemicals.
12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Trichoderma harzianum has been found to be very effective in controlling many primary root & secondary diseases of tea. The conidia of Trichoderma harzianum come into contact with target host. It germinates and the germ tube coils the hyphae of pathogenic fungi, degrades the cell wall and feeds on the nutrients causing mycoparasitism. We offer antagonistic fungus Trichoderma harzianum @ 109 CFU/ml under the brand name Peak TRICO-H which is a liquid based bio-fungicide. Peak TRICO-H controls root rot, set rot, damping off, wilts of Fusarium, Gonoderma etc, It's metabolites stimulate seed germination, plant growth and early flowering & fruit formation. It is advisable to apply Peak TRICO-H along with PEAK TRICO (Trichoderma viride) for maximum result.
Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Cotton, Vegetables, Fruits, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Turmeric, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee and Coconut. It can be used in tea after pruning with Peak TRICO.
Seed Treatment – Mix 20 ml TRICO-H in 500 ml water and coat seeds required for 1 acre Foliar Spray – Mix 200 ml TRICO-H in 200 litre of water per acre Soil Application – Mix 250 ml TRICO-H with 20 kg Farm Yard Manure and broadcast to 1 acre.
Nursery Application – Mix 50 ml TRICO-H in 100 litre of water and drench the bed / pot.
Chemical fertilizer, fungicide and pesticide cannot be mixed with the bio fertilizer controller. However, usage of bio fertilizer controller shall be strictly after 10 days from the date of use of chemicals. Keep the product away from sunlight and high temperature. It is available in both liquid & powder form.
12 months from the date of manufacturing.
Trichoderma viride has been found to be very effective in controlling many primary root & secondary diseases of tea. The conidia of Trichoderma viride come into contact with target host. It germinates and the germ tube coils the hyphae of pathogenic fungi, degrades the cell wall and feeds on the nutrients causing mycoparasitism. It also produces toxic metabolites. Trichoderma viride is very much effective against Poria branch canker & Thorny stem blight diseases and should be applied immediately after the pruning.
The Trichoderma Viride is a liquid based bio fungicide that contains the antagonistic fungus. We offer Trichoderma viride under the brand name Peak TRICO which controls root rot, set rot, damping off, wilts of Fusarium, Gonoderma etc, and metabolites stimulate seed germination, plant growth and early flowering & fruit formation.
Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Cotton, Vegetables, Fruits, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Turmeric, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee & Coconut. It can be used in tea after pruning against secondary infections through cut injuries
Seed Treatment – Mix 20 ml TRICO in 500 ml water and coat seeds required for 1 acre Foliar Spray – Mix 200 ml TRICO in 200 litres of water per acre Soil Application – Mix 250 ml TRICO with 20 kg Farm Yard Manure and broadcast to 1 acre Nursery Application – Mix 50 ml TRICO in 100 litres of water and drench the bed / pot.
Chemical fertilizer, fungicide and pesticide cannot be mixed with the bio fertilizer controller. However, usage of bio fertilizer controller shall be strictly after 10 days from the date of use of chemicals. Keep the product away from sunlight and high temperature.
12 months from the date of manufacturing.